Question Of The Month: Benfield Elementary School


Each month, the Severna Park Voice poses a question to a local fifth-grade class. This month, students from Mrs. Lincoln’s class at Benfield Elementary School answered the question:

If you could invite one historic figure to dinner, who would it be and why?

Harriett Tubman because she helped free the slaves and gave people hope.

Abby C.

Amelia Earhardt because I’d like to thank her for being a strong woman. Her ideas helped change the world so I can be equal with boys.

Ally C.

Albert Einstein because I want to ask him why he chose to be a scientist, and if he wasn’t a scientist, what would he have done. I’d also like to know what it was like for him to be a child.

Amanda G.

Katy Ledecky because I would love to meet a female Olympian to get some advice from her about how to be a champion.

Berit I.

Donald Trump, because he is the president now and I’d like to ask him about what is happening while he is at the White House.

Brent W.

Harriet Tubman because she freed the slaves and led them to independence. She was brave and courageous, and I’d like to learn how to be like that.

Cami C.

George Washington because I want to ask him how he had the courage to run the Revolutionary War.

Eleni P.

Neil Armstrong because I want to know why he wanted to be an astronaut.

Galen R.

George Washington because he was a good leader. I’d like to tell him it is an honor to meet him.

Geni W.

Ronald Reagan because he was a really good person and ran the country well.

Hailey C.

George Washington because I want to know what the past is like, how he lived and how he grew up.

Hunter L.

George Washington because he was out first president and he helped us to achieve our independence from Great Britain.

John D.

Benjamin Franklin because I’d like to ask him why he was being prosecuted by England when the colonies started revolting.

Jonathan M.

George Washington because I’d like to ask him if he really cut down a cherry tree.

Kaden SJ.

Alex Morgan because I’d like to ask her what it’s like to travel around the world.

Kate C.

Donald Trump because I want to ask him how he feels when he is on the stage debating.

Kendall S.

Jackie Robinson because he stood up against race discrimination and he had the courage to show that people were wrong about blacks in sports.

Liam C.

Malala because I’d like to know what it’s like to help so many people in unfortunate countries.

Lily M.

George Washington because I’d like to ask him what it was like to be the first president.

Lindsey M.

Albert Einstein because I want to know how he came up with his ideas.

Lizzie G.

Bill Gates because he has a lot of money but he donates a good amount to charity. I’d like to thank him for that.

Nate P.

Abraham Lincoln, because he was really tall and it was sad that he died. It would be cool to see him in person.

Nick M.

Abraham Lincoln because he’s the 16th president and he helped to stop slavery from happening.

Parker H.

Harriet Tubman because she was brave and risked her life to save others.

Peter B.

George Washington because I would like to see what his life was like and if he would have done anything differently.

Price C.

Neil Armstrong because I’d like to know how difficult it was to walk on the moon and how long it took to get there and what it looked like.

Ryan G.

Ghandi because I’d like to ask how to help people see that peace is the way we should move forward.

Mrs. Lincoln


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