There once was a hospice patient who had a difficult past. It's reflected in how she treated her family. When she wasn’t harsh toward them, she would shut down, locking them out from her world. As she grew closer to her end, she shared that she wanted to open up to her family, especially her grandchildren. She wanted them to remember her. But she didn’t know where to begin.
There once was a volunteer assigned to this patient. The intention was to provide this lonely woman company and support. Soon they built a beautiful rapport. One day, the patient shared with the volunteer that she had so much she wanted to say to her family. It turned out the volunteer was a professional writer. Together, the two women wrote beautiful letters to her family. The letters answered nagging questions like, “Does she care? Does she even like me? Does she see me?” The answer was a resounding “yes.”
The gift of time
With the help of that volunteer, her family got to see her in a different way. It helped them resolve a lot of the grief and anguish. They got to know her a little better and know their importance to her before she died. For me, it was one of the more profound experiences that I've had in my hospice career.
Hospice nurses, certified nursing assistants, social workers and chaplains spend more time with their patients than many other specialties. But the kind of time and commitment this professional writer gave to this patient could only have come from a volunteer.
Front-row seat
Volunteers are a meaningful part of hospice's holistic support and care. They help the clinical team do a better, more complete job. They can provide information about family dynamics, patient experiences and even symptom management. We’ve learned so much about the personality of patients through reading volunteer notes. It’s often important and exciting information that didn't come up in the conversation with the nurse or social worker.
Volunteers often prove to be fantastic ambassadors for hospice. As volunteers must go through a thorough training process, they are well-educated about hospice services. They have a front-row seat in end-of-life care, which allows them to speak with truth and power to their community. They can share about the impact of hospice care as well as how others can get involved.
Joy and purpose
For someone who thinks becoming a hospice volunteer is too sad, remember there are always sad times in life. But this gift of true connection with others is sacred. It fills us with joy and purpose. The people I have the privilege of working with say they’re made better because of these relationships with patients and families. Volunteers not only help the hospice team — they help bring peace and comfort to patients and families.
Monica Hastings is a clinical manager for Hospice of the Chesapeake, an independent, nonprofit organization that is caring for life throughout the journey with illness and loss in Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles and Prince George’s counties. For details, visit or call 410-987-2003.
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