Everybody knows about the active sailboat racing that takes place in Annapolis during the warmer months. But did you know that you can comfortably (and inexpensively) race your sailboat on Round Bay, just five miles up the Severn River from Annapolis?
The Round Bay Sailing Association schedules weekly racing on Wednesday evenings, monthly racing on Friday evenings and special races on some Saturdays. Boats from 18 to 40 feet in length participate in friendly racing on our lovely Round Bay. Wednesday evening races will start on April 21, beginning at 6:00pm, and continue through late September. No racing experience is needed to register/participate. In fact, we have volunteers who will happily help sail with you on your boat and provide instruction on the course and racing rules. Annual membership dues are only $45. Round Bay sailing (and racing) is a great way to enjoy the water, have fun with friends/family, and meet new people.
For more information and an application, visit www.roundbaysailing.com or call/email me, Don Snelgrove, at 410-697-3173 or dsnelgro@aol.com.
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